Reading for Pleasure is a bagrut (matriculation) requirement and assists students in becoming fluent readers, thereby improving their English language skills. Just a few minutes of reading once or twice a week can make a huge difference. English teachers spark reading motivation by making Reading for Pleasure an integral and regular part of the weekly schedule throughout the year and encourage students to continue reading at home. Fluent readers should find it an empowering, creative and engaging experience since it is an opportunity to ‘travel’ to other places, times and worlds. It can also be therapeutic in that it is a means of developing empathy while simultaneously providing an ‘escape of sorts’ during difficult and/or unsettled times. Book Club for Students was one of the first programs implemented by the Amal English Department. The Book Club encourages reading in English, helps high school students see connections between language, literature and culture, and develops critical thinking. The Book Club was implemented in several schools in the Jewish, Arab, Bedouin and Druze sectors, bringing students together to share their perspectives and opinions on the same book. In order to reinstate this program, it will cost $800 per school.
Book Club for Teachers is also an experience that would enrich Israel’s English education. English teachers from different Amal schools in different sectors participate in a Teachers’ Book Club whereby every eight weeks or so they read and discuss a book online.
An important added perspective is a quarterly cultural meeting for Book Club members at a museum, art gallery or historical building which incorporates a guided tour in English. These meetings are held at different locations around the country, thereby enabling as many members as possible to attend. Cultural, social and professional gatherings such as these not only maintain and continuously improve our teachers’ high level of English, but they also provide colleagues who have a mutual goal with a collaborative, enriching and motivating experience. The Book Club is comprised of teachers from Jewish, Druze, Arab and Bedouin communities and, by its very nature, is a platform for peace building, understanding and tolerance.
To reinstate the Book Club’s cultural activities will cost $500 per meeting to cover the cost of the facilitator’s fees. Amal will cover the cost of the teachers’ books, travel and entrance fees.
Another program is “Our Library” – The Amal English Department has established a library of English books at varying levels to serve Amal high school students across the country. Sets of books are loaned to Amal schools for a period of up to 3 months and students are expected to return them in pristine condition. Due to high demand, schools currently receive no more than two sets of books each. To expand the library, it will cost $600 for a set of 20 books.