Students and faculty members at Amalnet posing with visiting dignitaries, highlighting the community and international engagement supported by 'Donate to Israel'.

The Amal Scholarship Program is a visionary initiative that stands to make a profound impact on the lives of students hailing from diverse backgrounds. In embracing the principles of inclusivity, this scholarship program becomes a beacon of opportunity for those who may face additional challenges in their educational journey. Amal schools often serve as the last educational framework where students receive specialized and intensive support. Without these scholarships, these invaluable students may be at risk of leaving the educational system altogether, missing out on the tailored assistance that can empower them to become active and contributing members of Israeli society. Your support for this scholarship program is an investment not only in individual educational pursuits but in fostering a truly diverse, inclusive, and empowered community within the Amal Educational Network. Together, we can ensure that every student, regardless of their background or ability, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to the multifaceted society in Israel.